Build Strongly-Typed Polymorphic Components with React and Typescript

Build Strongly-Typed Polymorphic Components with React and Typescript
Build Strongly-Typed Polymorphic Components with React and Typescript

Hey! 😎

In this detailed (and explanatory) guide, I’ll discuss how to build strongly typed Polymorphic React components with Typescript.

If you have no idea what that means, that’s fine. That’s a decent pointer that this is just the right guide for you.



Let’s get some housekeeping out of the way.


I wrote this article for Typescript beginners / intermediate developers. If you’re a more advanced engineer, you may find reading the source code a faster way to get the same information (without my ramblings)

Free PDF download

If you’d rather read this as a well put together PDF, download it here.

At 55-pages, this makes for a decent weekend read.

What are Polymorphic Components?

When you learn React, one of the first concepts you learn is building reusable components.

The fine art of writing components once, and reusing them multiple times.

If you remember from React 101, the essential building blocks of classic reusable components are props and state—where props are external, and state, internal.

Building blocks of reusable components
Building blocks of reusable components

The essential building blocks of reusability remain valid for this article. However, we will take advantage of props to allow the users of your component decide what “element” to eventually render.

OK, wait, don’t get confused by that.

Consider the following React component:

const MyComponent = (props) => {
  return (
     This is an excellent component with props {JSON.stringify(props)}

Typically, your component would receive some props. You’d go ahead to use these internally and then finally render some React element which gets translated to the corresponding DOM element. In this case, the div element.

Rendering a single element
Rendering a single element

What if your component could take in props to do more than just provide some data to be consumed within your component?

Instead of MyComponent always rendering a div, what if you could pass in a prop to determine the eventual element rendered to the DOM?

Polymorphic component props
Polymorphic component props

This is where polymorphic components come in.

By standard definition, the word Polymorphic means occurring in several forms. In the world of React components, a polymorphic component is a component that can be rendered with a different container element / node.

Even though the concept may sound alien to you (if you’re new to it in general), you’ve likely already used a Polymorphic component.

Examples of Polymorphic components in the real-world

Open-source component libraries typically implement some sort of Polymorphic component.

Let’s consider some you may be familiar with.

I may not discuss your favourite open-source library, but please don't hesitate to take a look at your favourite OS library after you understand the examples here.

Chakra ui

Chakra UI
Chakra UI

Chakra UI has been my component library of choice for a decent number of production applications.

It’s easy to use, has dark-theme support and is accessible by default (oh, not to forget the subtle component animations!).

So, how does Chakra UI implement polymorphic props? The answer is by exposing an as prop.

The as prop is passed to a component to determine what eventual container element to render.

The chakra UI as prop
The chakra UI as prop

Using the as prop is quite straightforward.

You pass it to the component, in this case, Box :

<Box as="button"> Hello </Box>

And the component will render a button element.

The Box component rendered as a "button"
The Box component rendered as a "button"

If you went ahead to change the as prop to a h1:

<Box as="h1"> Hello </Box>

Now, the Box component renders a h1:

The Box component rendered as an "h1"
The Box component rendered as an "h1"

That’s a polymorphic component at work!

This component can be rendered to entirely unique elements, all by passing down a single prop.

Material UI’s component prop

Material UI
Material UI

Material UI in most cases needs no introduction. It’s been a staple of component libraries for years now. It’s a robust component library with a mature user base.

Similar to chakra UI, material UI allows for a polymorphic prop called component — it obviously doesn’t matter what you choose to call your polymorphic prop.

Its usage is just as similar. You pass it to a component, stating what element or custom component you’d like to render.

Enough talking, here’s an example from the official docs:

The Material UI component prop
The Material UI component prop
<List component="nav">
  <ListItem button>
    <ListItemText primary="Trash" />

List is passed a component prop of nav, and so when this is rendered, it’ll render a nav container element.

Another user may use the same component, but not as a navigation. They may just want to render a to-do list:

<List component="ol">

And in this case, List will render an ordered list ol element.

Talk about flexibility! See a summary of the use cases (PDF) for polymorphic components.

As you’ll come to see in the following sections of this article, polymorphic components are powerful. Apart from just accepting a prop of an element type, they can also accept custom components as props.

This will be discussed in a coming section of this article. For now, let’s get you building your first Polymorphic component!

Build your first Polymorphic component

Contrary to what you may think, building your first Polymorphic component is quite straightforward.

Here’s a basic implementation:

const MyComponent = ({ as, children }) => {
  const Component = as || "span";

  return <Component>{children}</Component>;

What to note here is the polymorphic prop as — similar to chakra UI’s. This is the exposed prop to control the render element of the Polymorphic component.

Secondly, note that the as prop isn’t rendered directly. The following would be wrong:

const MyComponent = ({ as, children }) => {
  // wrong render below 👇 
  return <as>{children}</as>;

When rendering an element type at runtime, you must first assign to a capitalised variable, and then render the capitalised variable.

Using a capitlized variable
Using a capitlized variable

Now you can go ahead and use this component as follows:

<MyComponent as="button">Hello Polymorphic!<MyComponent>
<MyComponent as="div">Hello Polymorphic!</MyComponent>
<MyComponent as="span">Hello Polymorphic!</MyComponent>
<MyComponent as="em">Hello Polymorphic!</MyComponent>

Note the different as prop passed to the rendered components above.

The different rendered elements
The different rendered elements

The Problems with this simple implementation

The implementation in the previous section, while quite standard, has many demerits.

Let’s explore some of these.

1. The as prop can receive invalid HTML elements.

Presently, it is possible for a user to go ahead and write the following:

<MyComponent as="emmanuel">Hello Wrong Element</MyComponent>

Theas prop passed here is emmanuel. Emmanuel is obviously a wrong HTML element, but the browser also tries to render this element.

Rendering a wrong HTML element type
Rendering a wrong HTML element type

An ideal development experience is to show some kind of error during development. For example, a user may make a simple typo: divv instead of div — and would get no indication of what’s wrong.

2. Wrong attributes can be passed for valid elements.

Consider the following component usage:

<MyComponent as="span" href="">
   Hello Wrong Attribute

A consumer can pass a span element to the as prop, and an href prop as well.

This is technically invalid.

A span element does not (and should not) take in an href attribute. That is an invalid HTML syntax.

However, now, a consumer of the component we've built could go ahead to write this, and they’ll get no errors during development.

3. No attribute support!

Consider the simple implementation again:

The only props this component accepts are as and children, nothing else. There’s no attribute support for even valid as element props, i.e., if as were an anchor element a, we should also support passing an href to the component.

<MyComponent as="a" href="...">A link </MyComponent>

Even though href is passed in the example above, the component implementation receives no other props. Only as and children are deconstructed.

Your initial thoughts may be to go ahead and spread every other prop passed to the component as follows:

const MyComponent = ({ as, children, }) => {
  const Component = as || "span";

  return <Component {}>{children}</Component>;

It seems like a decent solution, but now it highlights the second problem mentioned above. Wrong attributes will now be passed down to the component as well.

Consider the following:

<MyComponent as="span" href="">
   Hello Wrong Attribute

And note the eventual rendered markup:

A span element with an href attribute
A span element with an href attribute

A span with an href is invalid HTML.

How do we resolve these concerns?

To be clear, there’s no magic wand to wave here. However, we’re going to leverage Typescript to ensure you build strongly typed Polymorphic components.

Upon completion, developers using your component will avoid the runtime errors above and instead catch them during development or build time—thanks to Typescript.

Why is this bad?

To recap, the current issues with our simple implementation is subpar because:

  • It provides a terrible developer experience
  • It is not type-safe. Bugs can (and will) creep in.

Welcome, Typescript

If you’re reading this, a prerequisite is you already know some Typescript—at least the basics. If you have no clue what Typescript is, I strongly recommend giving this document a read first.

OK, we’ve established a starting point: we will leverage Typescript to solve the concerns aforementioned. Essentially, we will leverage Typescript to build strongly typed Polymorphic components.

The first two requirements we will start off with include:

  • The as prop should not receive invalid HTML element strings
  • Wrong attributes should not be passed for valid elements

In the following section, we will get started introducing Typescript to make our solution more robust, developer friendly and production worthy.

Introduction to Typescript Generics

If you have a solid grasp of Typescript generics, please feel free to skip this section. This only provides a brief introduction for readers who aren’t as familiar with generics.

Javascript variables and Typescript generics
Javascript variables and Typescript generics

If you’re new to Typescript generics, they can come off as difficult, but once you get the hang of it, you’ll see it for what it truly is: an arguably simple construct for parametizing your types.

So, what are generics?

A simple mental model to approach generics is to see them as special variables for your types. Where Javascript has variables, Typescript has generics (for types).

Let’s have a look at a classic example.

Below is an echo function where v represents any arbitrary value:

const echo = (v) => {
  return v

The echo function takes in this value v, logs it to the console, and then returns the same value to the caller. No input transformations carried out!

Now, we can go ahead and use this function on varying input types:

echo(1) // number
echo("hello world") // string 
echo({}) // object 

And this works perfectly!

The echo function
The echo function

There’s just one problem. We haven’t typed this function at all.

Let’s sprinkle some typescript in here. 🧁

Start off with a naive way to accept any input values v by using the any keyword:

const echo = (v: any) => {
  return v

It seems to work.

You’ll get no typescript errors when you do this. However, if you take a look at where you invoke this function, you’ll notice one important thing. You’ve now lost every form of type safety.

The any type
The any type

This may not be clear now, but if you went ahead to perform an operation as follows:

const result = echo("hello world")
let failure =

Line 2 will fail with an error.

let failure =

result is technically a string because echo will return the string hello world, and "hello world" will throw an error.

However, by typing v as any, result is equally typed as any. This is because echo returns the same value. Typescript infers the return type as the same as v. i.e., any.

With result being of type any, you get no type safety here. Typescript cannot catch this error. This is one of the downsides of using any.

OK, using any here is a bad idea. Let’s avoid it.

What else could you possibly do?

Another solution will be to spell out exactly what types are acceptable by the echo function, as follows:

const echo = (v: string | number | object) => {
  return v;

Essentially, you represent v with a union type.

v can either be a string, a number or an object.

This works great.

Now, If you go ahead to wrongly access a property on the return type of echo, you’ll get an appropriate error. e.g.,

const result = echo("hi").hi
Property "hi" does not exist error
Property "hi" does not exist error

You’ll get the following error: Property 'hi' does not exist on type 'string | number | object'.

This seems perfect.

We’ve represented v with a decent rage of acceptable values.

However, what if you wanted to accept more value types? You’d have to keep adding more union types.

Is there a better way to handle this? e.g., by declaring some sort of variable type based on whatever the user passes to echo ?

For a start, let's replace the union type with an hypothetical type we’ll call Value:

const echo = (v: Value) => {
  return v;

Once you do this, you’ll get the following Typescript error:

Cannot find name 'Value'.ts (2304)
Cannot find name "Value" error
Cannot find name "Value" error

This is expected.

However, here’s the beauty of generics. We can go ahead to define this Value type as a generic—some sort of variable represented by the type of v passed to echo when invoked.

To complete this, we’ll use angle braces just after the = sign as follows:

const echo = <Value> (v: Value) => {
  return v;
The "Value" generic
The "Value" generic

If you’re coding along, you’ll notice there are no more Typescript errors. Typescript understands this to be a generic. The Value type is a generic.

But how does Typescript know what Value is?

Well, this is where the variable form of a generic becomes evident.

Take a look at how echo is invoked:

echo("hello world")

The generic Value will take on whatever the argument type passed into echo at invocation time.

The generic represnets the argument type of the echo function
The generic represnets the argument type of the echo function

For example, with echo(1), the type of Value will be the literal number 1. For echo("hello world"), the type of Value will be the literal string hello world

Note how this changes based on the type of argument passed to echo.

This is wonderful.

If you went ahead to perform any operations on the return type of echo, you’ll get all the type safety you’d expect—without specifically specifying a single type but by representing the input with a generic aka a variable type.

Constraining Generics

Having learned the basics of generics, there’s one more concept to understand before we get back to leveraging Typescript in our polymorphic component solution.

Let’s consider a variant of the echo function. Call this echoLength:

const echoLength = <Value> (v: Value) => {
    return v.length;

Instead of echoing the input value v, the function echoes the length of the input value, i.e., v.length.

If you wrote this code out as is, the Typescript compiler will yell with an error:

Property 'length' does not exist on type 'Value'.ts (2339)
Property "length" does not exist error
Property "length" does not exist error

This is quite an important error.

The echoLength parameter, v, is represented by the generic Value - which in fact represents the type of the argument passed to the function.

However, within the body of the function, we are accessing the length property of the variable parameter.

So, what’s the problem here?

The issue is, not every input will have a length property.

The generic Value as it stands represents any argument type passed by the function caller, however, not every argument type will have a length property.

Consider the following:

echoLength("hello world")

echoLength("hello world") will work as expected because a string has a length property.

However, the other two examples will return undefined. Numbers and objects don’t have length properties. Hence, the code within the function body isn’t the most type safe.

Now, how do we fix this?

We need to be able to take in a generic, but we want to specify exactly what kind of generic is valid.

In more technical terms, we need to constrain the generic accepted by this function to be limited to types that have a length property.

To accomplish this, we will leverage the extends keyword.

Take a look:

const echoLength = <Value extends {length: number}> (v: Value) => {
    return v.length;

Now, when you declare the Value generic, add extends {length: number} to denote that the generic will be constrained to types which have a lenght property.

If you go ahead to use echoLength as before, you should now get a Typescript error when you pass in values without a length property, e.g.,

// these will yield a typescript error
Argument of type number is not assignable error
Argument of type number is not assignable error

What we’ve done here is constraining the Value generic to a specific mould. Yes, we want variable types. But we only want those that fit this specific mould, i.e., that fit a certain type signature.


With these two concepts understood, we’ll now head back to updating our polymorphic component solution to be a lot more type safe — starting with the initial requirements we’d set.

Making sure the as prop only receives valid HTML element strings

Here’s our current solution:

const MyComponent = ({ as, children }) => {
  const Component = as || "span";

  return <Component>{children}</Component>;

To make the next sections of this guide practical, we’ll change the name of the component from MyComponent to Text i.e., assuming we’re building a polymorphic Text component.

Now, with your knowledge of generics, it becomes obvious that we’re better off representing as with a generic type, i.e., a variable type based on whatever the user passes in.

The as prop
The as prop

Let’s go ahead and take the first step as follows:

export const Text = <C>({
}: {
  as?: C;
  children: React.ReactNode;
}) => {
  const Component = as || "span";

  return <Component>{children}</Component>;

Note how the generic C is defined and then passed on in the type definition for the prop as.

However, if you wrote this seemingly perfect code, you’ll have Typescript yelling out numerous errors with more squiggly red lines than you’d like 🤷‍♀️

The JSX generic error
The JSX generic error

What’s going on here is a flaw in the syntax for generics in .tsx files. There are two ways to solve this.

1. Add a comma after the generic declaration.

This is the syntax for declaring multiple generics. Once you do this, the typescript compiler clearly understands your intent and the errors banished.

// note the comma after "C" below 👇
export const Text = <C,>({
}: {
  as?: C;
  children: React.ReactNode;
}) => {
  const Component = as || "span";

  return <Component>{children}</Component>;

2. Constrain the generic.

The second option is to constrain the generic as you see fit. For starters, you can just use the unknown type as follows:

// note the extends keyword below 👇
export const Text = <C extends unknown>({
}: {
  as?: C;
  children: React.ReactNode;
}) => {
  const Component = as || "span";

  return <Component>{children}</Component>;

For now, I’ll stick to solution 2 because it’s closer to our final solution. In most cases, I use the multiple generic syntax (adding a comma).

OK, now what next?

With our current solution, we get another Typescript error:

JSX element type 'Component' does not have any construct or call signatures.ts(2604)
No construct or call error
No construct or call error

This is similar to the error we had when we worked with the echoLength function. Just like accessing the length property of an unknown variable type, the same may be said here.

Trying to render any generic type as a valid React component doesn’t make sense.

We need to constrain the generic ONLY to fit the mould of a valid React element type.

To achieve this, we’ll leverage the internal React type: React.ElementType, and make sure the generic is constrained to fit that type:

// look just after the extends keyword 👇
export const Text = <C extends React.ElementType>({
}: {
  as?: C;
  children: React.ReactNode;
}) => {
  const Component = as || "span";

  return <Component>{children}</Component>;

Note that if you’re on an older version of React, you may have to import React as follows:

import React from 'react'

With this, we have no more errors!

Now, if you go ahead and use this component as follows, it’ll work just fine:

<Text as="div">Hello Text world</Text>

However, If you pass an invalid as prop, you’ll now get an appropriate typescript error. Consider the example below:

<Text as="emmanuel">Hello Text world</Text>

And the error thrown:

Type '"emmanuel"' is not assignable to type 'ElementType<any> | undefined'.
Type emmanuel is not assignable error
Type emmanuel is not assignable error

This is excellent!

We now have a solution that doesn’t accept gibberish for the as prop and will also prevent against nasty typos, e.g., divv instead of div.

This is a much better developer experience!

Handling valid component attributes

In solving this second use case, you’ll come to appreciate how powerful generics truly are.

First, you do have to understand what we’re trying to accomplish here.

The 'as' prop and other valid props based on 'as'
The 'as' prop and other valid props based on 'as'

Once we receive a generic as type, we want to make sure that the remaining props passed to our component are relevant, based on the as prop.

So, for example, if a user passed in an as prop of img, we’d want href to equally be a valid prop!

To give you a sense of how we’d accomplish this, take a look at the current state of our solution:

export const Text = <C extends React.ElementType>({
}: {
  as?: C;
  children: React.ReactNode;
}) => {
  const Component = as || "span";

  return <Component>{children}</Component>;

The component props are now represented by:

  as?: C;
  children: React.ReactNode;

In pseudocode, what we’d like would be the following:

  as?: C;
  children: React.ReactNode;
} & {
The pseudocode illustrated
The pseudocode illustrated

This requirement is enough to leave one grasping at straws. We can’t possibly write a function that determines appropriate types based on the value of as, and it’s not smart to list out a union type manually.

Well, what if there was a provided type from React that acted as a “function” that’ll return valid element types based on what you pass it?

Before introducing the solution, let’s have a bit of a refactor. Let’s pull out the props of the component into a separate type:

// 👇 See TextProps pulled out below 
type TextProps<C extends React.ElementType> = {
  as?: C;
  children: React.ReactNode;

export const Text = <C extends React.ElementType>({
}: TextProps<C>) => { // 👈 see TextProps used 
  const Component = as || "span";
  return <Component>{children}</Component>;

What’s important here is to note how the generic is passed on to TextProps<C>. Similar to a function call in Javascript — but with angle braces.

Now, on to the solution.

The magic wand here is to leverage the React.ComponentPropsWithoutRef type as shown below:

type TextProps<C extends React.ElementType> = {
  as?: C;
  children: React.ReactNode;
} & React.ComponentPropsWithoutRef<C>; // 👈 look here 

export const Text = <C extends React.ElementType>({
}: TextProps<C>) => {
  const Component = as || "span";
  return <Component>{children}</Component>;

Note that we’re introducing an intersection here. Essentially, we’re saying, the type of TextProps is an object type containing as and children, and some other types represented by React.ComponentPropsWithoutRef.

ComponentPropsWithoutRef plus TextProps
ComponentPropsWithoutRef plus TextProps

If you read the code, it perhaps becomes apparent what’s going on here.

Based on the type of as, represented by the generic C, React.componentPropsWithoutRef will return valid component props that correlates with the string attribute passed to the as prop.

There’s one more significant point to note.

Exploring the different ComponentProps type variants
Exploring the different ComponentProps type variants

If you just started typing and rely on intellisense from your editor, you’d realise there are three variants of the React.ComponentProps... type.

(I) React.ComponentProps

(Ii) React.ComponentPropsWithRef

(Iii) React.ComponentPropsWithoutRef

If you attempted to use the first, ComponentProps, you’d see a relevant note that reads:

Prefer ComponentPropsWithRef, if the ref is forwarded, or ComponentPropsWithoutRef when refs are not supported.
Note to prefer ComponentPropsWithRef or ComponentPropsWithoutRef
Note to prefer ComponentPropsWithRef or ComponentPropsWithoutRef

And this is precisely what we’ve done.

For now, we will ignore the use case for supporting a ref prop and stick to ComponentPropsWithoutRef.

Now, let’s give the solution a try!

If you go ahead and use this component wrongly, e.g., passing a valid as prop with other incompatible props, you’ll get an error.

<Text as="div" href="">Hello Text world</Text>

A value of div is perfectly valid for the as prop, but a div should NOT have an href attribute. That’s wrong, and righty caught by Typescript with the error: Property 'href' does not exist on type ...

Property href does not exist error
Property href does not exist error

This is great! We’ve got an even better (robust) solution.

Finally, make sure to pass on other props down to the rendered element:

type TextProps<C extends React.ElementType> = {
  as?: C;
  children: React.ReactNode;
} & React.ComponentPropsWithoutRef<C>; 

export const Text = <C extends React.ElementType>({
  ...restProps, // 👈 look here
}: TextProps<C>) => {
  const Component = as || "span";
  // see restProps passed 👇
  return <Component {...restProps}>{children}</Component>;

Let’s keep going 🙌🏼

Handling default as attributes

Consider our current solution:

export const Text = <C extends React.ElementType>({
}: TextProps<C>) => {
  const Component = as || "span"; // 👈 look here

  return <Component {...restProps}>{children}</Component>;

Particularly pay attention to where a default element is provided if the as prop is omitted.

const Component = as || "span"

This is properly represented in the Javascript world, i.e., by implementation, if as is optional, it’ll default to a span.

The question is, how does Typescript handle this case? i.e., when as isn’t passed? Are we equally passing a default type?

Well, the answer is no. But below’s a practical example.

If you went ahead to use the Text component as follows:

<Text>Hello Text world</Text>

Note that we’ve passed no as prop here. Will Typescript be aware of the valid props for this component?

Let’s go ahead and add an href:

<Text href="">Hello Text world</Text>

If you go ahead and do this, you’ll get no errors.

That’s bad.

A span should not receive an href prop / attribute. While we default to a span in the implementation, Typescript is unaware of this default implementation. Let’s fix this with a simple, generic default assignment:

type TextProps<C extends React.ElementType> = {
  as?: C;
  children: React.ReactNode;
} & React.ComponentPropsWithoutRef<C>;

* See default below. TS will treat the rendered element as a 
span and provide typings accordingly
export const Text = <C extends React.ElementType = "span">({
}: TextProps<C>) => {
  const Component = as || "span";
  return <Component {...restProps}>{children}</Component>;

The important bit is highlighted below:

<C extends React.ElementType = "span">

And voilĂ ! The previous example we had should now throw an error, i.e., when you pass href to the Text component without an as prop.

The error should read: Property 'href' does not exist on type ...

Property href does not exist on ... error
Property href does not exist on ... error

The component should be reusable with its props

Our current solution is much better than where we started. Give yourself a pat on the back for making it this far. However, it only gets more interesting from here.

The use case to cater to in this section is very applicable in the real world. There’s a high chance that if you’re building some sort of component, then that component will also take in some specific props, i.e., unique to the component.

Our current solution takes into consideration the as, children and other component prop based on the as prop. However, what if we wanted this component to handle its props?

Let’s make this practical.

We will have the Text component receive a color prop. The color here will be any of the rainbow colours, or black.

We will go ahead and represent this as follows:

type Rainbow =
  | "red"
  | "orange"
  | "yellow"
  | "green"
  | "blue"
  | "indigo"
  | "violet";

Next, we must define the color prop in the TextProps object as follows:

type TextProps<C extends React.ElementType> = {
  as?: C;
  color?: Rainbow | "black"; // 👈 look here
  children: React.ReactNode;
} & React.ComponentPropsWithoutRef<C>;

Before we go ahead, let’s have a bit of a refactor. Let's represent the actual props of the Text component by a Props object, and specifically type only props specific to our component in the TextProps object.

This will become obvious, as you’ll see below:

// new "Props" type
type Props <C extends React.ElementType> = TextProps<C>

export const Text = <C extends React.ElementType = "span">({
}: Props<C>) => {
  const Component = as || "span";
  return <Component {...restProps}>{children}</Component>;

Now let’s clean up TextProps:

// before 
type TextProps<C extends React.ElementType> = {
  as?: C;
  color?: Rainbow | "black"; // 👈 look here
  children: React.ReactNode;
} & React.ComponentPropsWithoutRef<C>;

// after
type TextProps<C extends React.ElementType> = {
  as?: C;
  color?: Rainbow | "black";

Now, TextProps should just contain props specific to our Text component: as and color.

We must now update the definition for Props to include the types we’ve removed from TextProps i.e., children and React.ComponentPropsWithoutRef<C>

For the children prop, we’ll take advantage of the React.PropsWithChildren prop.

The PropsWithChildren type
The PropsWithChildren type

The way PropsWithChildren works is easy to reason about. You pass it your component props, and it’ll inject the children props definition for you.

Let’s leverage that below:

type Props <C extends React.ElementType> = 

Note how we use the angle braces.

This is the syntax for passing on generics. Essentially, the React.PropsWithChildren accepts your component props as a generic and augments it with the children prop. Sweet!

For React.ComponentPropsWithoutRef<C>, we’ll just go ahead and leverage an intersection type here:

type Props <C extends React.ElementType> = 
React.PropsWithChildren<TextProps<C>> & 

And here’s the full current solution:

type Rainbow =
  | "red"
  | "orange"
  | "yellow"
  | "green"
  | "blue"
  | "indigo"
  | "violet";

type TextProps<C extends React.ElementType> = {
  as?: C;
  color?: Rainbow | "black";

type Props <C extends React.ElementType> = 
React.PropsWithChildren<TextProps<C>> & 

export const Text = <C extends React.ElementType = "span">({
}: Props<C>) => {
  const Component = as || "span";
  return <Component> {children} </Component>;

I know these can feel like a lot, but take a closer look, and it’ll all make sense. It’s really just putting together everything you’ve learnt so far. Nothing should be particularly new.

All clear? Now, you’re becoming something of a pro!

Having done this necessary refactor, we can now continue our solution. What we have now actually works. We’ve explicitly typed the color prop, and you may go ahead to use it as follows:

<Text color="violet">Hello world</Text>

There’s just one thing I’m not particularly comfortable with.

color turns out to also be a valid attribute for numerous HTML tags. This was the case pre-HTML5. So, if we removed color from our type definition, it’ll be accepted as any valid string.

See below:

type TextProps<C extends React.ElementType> = {
  as?: C;
  // remove color from the definition here
Removing the color type definition
Removing the color type definition

Now, if you go ahead to use Text as before, it’s equally valid:

<Text color="violet">Hello world</Text>

The only difference here is how it is typed. color is now represented by the following definition color?: string | undefined

The default color type
The default color type

Again, this is NOT a definition we wrote in our types!

This is a default HTML typing where color is a valid attribute for most HTML elements. See this stack-overflow question for some more context.

Now, there are two ways to go here.

Firstly, you can keep our initial solution where we explicitly declared the color prop:

type TextProps<C extends React.ElementType> = {
  as?: C;
  color?: Rainbow | "black"; // 👈 look here

Secondly, you can go ahead and arguably provide some more safety. To achieve this, you must realise where the previous default color definition came from.

It came from the definition React.ComponentPropsWithoutRef<C> - this is what adds other props based on what the type of as is.

So, what we can do here is to explicitly remove any definition that exists in our component types from React.ComponentPropsWithoutRef<C>

This can be tough to understand before you see it in action, so let’s take it step by step.

React.ComponentPropsWithoutRef<C> as stated earlier contains every other valid props based on the type of as e.g., href, color, etc.

The ComponentPropsWithoutRef type
The ComponentPropsWithoutRef type

Where these types all have their definition, e.g., color?: string | undefined etc.

It is possible that some values that exist in React.ComponentPropsWithoutRef<C> also exist in our component props type definition.

In our case, color exists in both!

ComponentPropsWithoutRef and TextProps
ComponentPropsWithoutRef and TextProps

Instead of relying on our color definition to override what’s coming from React.ComponentPropsWithoutRef<C>, we will explicitly remove any type that also exist in our component types definition.

Removing existing props from ComponentPropsWithoutRef
Removing existing props from ComponentPropsWithoutRef

So, if any type exists in our component types definition, we will explicitly remove it from React.ComponentPropsWithoutRef<C>.

How do we do this?

Well, here’s what we had before:

type Props <C extends React.ElementType> = 
React.PropsWithChildren<TextProps<C>> & 

Instead of just having an intersection type where we just add everything that comes from React.ComponentPropsWithoutRef<C>, we will be more selective. We will use the Omit and keyof typescript utility types to perform some TS magic.

Take a look:

// before 
type Props <C extends React.ElementType> = 
React.PropsWithChildren<TextProps<C>> & 

// after
type Props <C extends React.ElementType> = 
React.PropsWithChildren<TextProps<C>> &   
Omit<React.ComponentPropsWithoutRef<C>, keyof TextProps<C>>;

The important bit is this:

Omit<React.ComponentPropsWithoutRef<C>, keyof TextProps<C>>;

If you don’t know how Omit and keyof work, below’s a quick summary.

Omit takes in two generics. The first is an object type, and the second a union of types you’d like to “omit” from the object type.

Here’s my favourite example. Consider a Vowel object type as follows:

type Vowels = {
  a: 'a',
  e: 'e',
  i: 'i',
  o: 'o',
  u: 'u'

This is an object type of key and value.

What if I wanted to derive a new type from Vowels called VowelsInOhans.

Well, I do know that the name Ohans contains two vowels o and a.

Instead of manually declaring these:

type VowelsInOhans = {
  a: 'a',
  o: 'o'

I can go ahead to leverage Omit as follows:

type VowelsInOhans = Omit<Vowels, 'e' | 'i' | 'u'>
The VowelsInOhans type using Omit
The VowelsInOhans type using Omit

Omit will “omit” the e, i and u keys from the object type Vowels.

On the other hand, keyof works as you would imagine. Think of Object.keys in Javascript.

Given an object type, keyof will return a union type of the keys of the object. Phew! That’s a mouth full.

Here’s an example:

type Vowels = {
  a: 'a',
  e: 'e',
  i: 'i',
  o: 'o',
  u: 'u'

type Vowel = keyof Vowels 

Now, Vowel will be a union type of the keys of Vowels i.e.,

type Vowel = 'a' | 'e' | 'i' | 'o' | 'u'

If you put these together and take a second look at our solution, it’ll all come together nicely:

Omit<React.ComponentPropsWithoutRef<C>, keyof TextProps<C>>;

keyof TextProps<C> returns a union type of the keys of our component props. This is in turn passed to Omit i.e., to omit them from React.ComponentPropsWithoutRef<C>.

Sweet! 🕺

For completeness, let’s go ahead and actually pass the color prop down to the rendered element:

export const Text = <C extends React.ElementType = "span">({
  color, // 👈 look here
}: Props<C>) => {
  const Component = as || "span";
  // 👇 compose an inline style object
  const style = color ? { style: { color } } : {};
  // 👇 pass the inline style to the rendered element
  return (
    <Component {...restProps} {}>

Create a reusable utility for Polymorphic types

You must be proud of how come you’ve come if you’ve been following along.

We’ve got a solution that works — well.

However, now, let’s take it one step further.

The solution we have works great for our Text component. However, what if you’d rather have a solution you can reuse on any component of your choosing?

This way, you can have a reusable solution for every use case.

How does that sound? Lovely, I bet!

Let’s get started.

First, here’s the current complete solution with no annotations:

type Rainbow =
  | "red"
  | "orange"
  | "yellow"
  | "green"
  | "blue"
  | "indigo"
  | "violet";

type TextProps<C extends React.ElementType> = {
  as?: C;
  color?: Rainbow | "black";

type Props<C extends React.ElementType> = React.PropsWithChildren<
> &
  Omit<React.ComponentPropsWithoutRef<C>, keyof TextProps<C>>;

export const Text = <C extends React.ElementType = "span">({
}: Props<C>) => {
  const Component = as || "span";

  const style = color ? { style: { color } } : {};

  return (
    <Component {...restProps} {}>

Succinct and practical.

If we made this reusable, then it has to work for any component. This means removing the hardcoded TextProps and representing that with a generic — so anyone can pass in whatever component props they need.

Currently, we represent our component props with the definition Props<C>. Where C represents the element type passed for the as prop.

We will now change that to:

// before

// after 
PolymorphicProps<C, TextProps>

PolymorphicProps represents the utility type we will write shortly. However, note that this accepts two generic types. The second being the component props in question, i.e., TextProps.

Let’s go ahead and define the PolymorphicProps type:

type PolymorphicComponentProp<
  C extends React.ElementType,
  Props = {}
> = {} // 👈 empty object for now 

The definition above should be understandable. C represents the element type passed in as and Props the actual component props, e.g., TextProps.

Before going ahead, let’s go ahead and actually split the TextProps we had before into the following:

type AsProp<C extends React.ElementType> = {
  as?: C;

type TextProps = { color?: Rainbow | "black" };

So, we’ve separated the AsProp from the TextProps. To be fair, they represent two different things. This is a nicer representation.

Now, let’s change the PolymorphicComponentProp utility definition to include the as prop, component props and children prop as we’ve done in the past:

type AsProp<C extends React.ElementType> = {
  as?: C;

type PolymorphicComponentProp<
  C extends React.ElementType,
  Props = {}
> = React.PropsWithChildren<Props & AsProp<C>>

I’m sure you understand what’s going on here.

We now have an intersection type of Props (representing the component props) and AsProp representing the as prop, and these all passed into PropsWithChildren to add the children prop definition.


Now, we need to include the bit where we add the React.ComponentPropsWithoutRef<C> definition. However, we must remember to omit props that exist in our component definition.

Let’s come up with a robust solution.

Write out a new type that just comprises the props we’d like to omit. Namely, the keys of the AsProp and the component props as well.

type PropsToOmit<C extends React.ElementType, P> = keyof (AsProp<C> & P);

Remember the keyof utility type?

PropsToOmit will now comprise a union type of the props we want to omit, which is, every prop of our component represented by P and the actual polymorphic prop as represented by AsProps

I’m glad you’re still following.

Now, let’s put this all together nicely in the PolymorphicComponentProp definition:

type AsProp<C extends React.ElementType> = {
  as?: C;

// before 
type PolymorphicComponentProp<
  C extends React.ElementType,
  Props = {}
> = React.PropsWithChildren<Props & AsProp<C>>

// after
type PolymorphicComponentProp<
  C extends React.ElementType,
  Props = {}
> = React.PropsWithChildren<Props & AsProp<C>> &
   PropsToOmit<C, Props>>;

What’s important here is we’ve added the following definition:

   PropsToOmit<C, Props>>;

This basically omits the right types from React.componentPropsWithoutRef. Do you still remember how Omit works?

Simple as it may seem, you now have a solution you can reuse on multiple components across different projects!

Here’s the complete implementation:

type PropsToOmit<C extends React.ElementType, P> = keyof (AsProp<C> & P);

type PolymorphicComponentProp<
  C extends React.ElementType,
  Props = {}
> = React.PropsWithChildren<Props & AsProp<C>> &
  Omit<React.ComponentPropsWithoutRef<C>, PropsToOmit<C, Props>>;

Now we can go ahead and use PolymorphicComponentProp on our Text component as follows:

export const Text = <C extends React.ElementType = "span">({
  // look here 👇
}: PolymorphicComponentProp<C, TextProps>) => {
  const Component = as || "span";
  const style = color ? { style: { color } } : {};
  return <Component {}>{children}</Component>;

How nice!

Now if you build another component, you can go ahead and type it like this:

PolymorphicComponentProp<C, MyNewComponentProps>

Do you hear that sound? That’s the sound of victory — you’ve come so far!

The component should support refs

Do you remember every reference to React.ComponentPropsWithoutRef so far? 😅

Component props …. without ref. Well, now’s the time to put the ref in it!

This is the final and most complex part of our solution. I’ll need you to be patient here, but I’ll also do my best to explain every step in detail.

Let’s delve in.

First things first, do you remember how refs in React work?

The most important concept here is the fact that you just don’t pass ref as a prop and expect it to be passed down into your component like every other prop.

The recommended way to handle refs in your functional components is to use the forwardRef function.

Let’s start off on a practical note.

If you go ahead and pass a ref to our Text component now, you’ll get an error that reads Property 'ref' does not exist on type ...

// Create the ref object 
const divRef = useRef<HTMLDivElement | null>(null);
// Pass the ref to the rendered Text component
<Text as="div" ref={divRef}>
  Hello Text world
Property ref does not exist error
Property ref does not exist error

This is expected.

Our first shot at supporting refs will be to use forwardRef in the Text component as shown below:

// before 
export const Text = <C extends React.ElementType = "span">({
}: PolymorphicComponentProp<C, TextProps>) => {

// after
import React from "react";

export const Text = React.forwardRef(
  <C extends React.ElementType = "span">({
  }: PolymorphicComponentProp<C, TextProps>) => {

This is essentially just wrapping the previous code in React.forwardRef, that’s all.

Now, React.forwardRef has the following signature:

React.forwardRef((props, ref) ... )

Essentially, the second argument received is the ref object.

Let’s go ahead and handle that:

type PolymorphicRef<C extends React.ElementType> = unknown;

export const Text = React.forwardRef(
  <C extends React.ElementType = "span">(
    { as, color, children }: PolymorphicComponentProp<C, TextProps>,
    // 👇 look here
    ref?: PolymorphicRef<C>
  ) => {

What we’ve done here is added the second argument ref and declared its type as PolymorphicRef.

A type that just points to unknown for now.

Also note that PolymorphicRef takes in the generic C. This is similar to previous solutions. The ref object for a div differs to that of a span. So, we need to take into consideration the element type passed in the as prop.

Let’s now point our attention to the PolymorphicRef type.

I need you to think with me.

How can we get the ref object type based on the as prop?

Let me give you a clue: React.ComponentPropsWithRef !

Note that this says with ref. Not without ref.

Essentially, if this were a bundle of keys (which in fact it is), it’ll include all the relevant component props based on the element type, plus the ref object.

The ComponentPropsWithRef type
The ComponentPropsWithRef type

So now, if we know this object type contains the ref key, we may as well get that ref type by doing the following:

// before 
type PolymorphicRef<C extends React.ElementType> = unknown;

// after 
type PolymorphicRef<C extends React.ElementType> =

Essentially, React.ComponentPropsWithRef<C> returns an object type, e.g.,

  ref: SomeRefDefinition, 
  // ... other keys, 
  color: string 
  href: string 
  // ... etc

To pick out just the ref type, we then do this:


Note that the syntax is similar to the property accessor syntax in javascript, i.e., ["ref"]. In Typescript, we call this is called Type indexing.

Quick quiz: Do you know why using “Pick” may not work well here, e.g., Pick<React.ComponentPropsWithRef<C>, "ref">?
You may use the comment section or tweet me your answers.

Now that we’ve got the ref prop typed, we can go ahead and pass that down to the rendered element:

export const Text = React.forwardRef(
  <C extends React.ElementType = "span">(
    { as, color, children }: PolymorphicComponentProp<C, TextProps>,
    ref?: PolymorphicRef<C>
  ) => {
    return (
      <Component {} ref={ref}> // 👈 look here

We’ve made decent progress! In fact, if you go ahead and check the usage of Text like we did before, there’ll be no more errors:

// create the ref object 
const divRef = useRef<HTMLDivElement | null>(null);
// pass ref to the rendered Text component
<Text as="div" ref={divRef}>
  Hello Text world

However, our solution still isn’t as strongly typed as I’d like.

Let’s go ahead and change the ref passed to the Text as shown below:

// create a "button" ref object 
const buttonRef = useRef<HTMLButtonElement | null>(null);
// pass a button ref to a "div". NB: as = "div"
<Text as="div" ref={buttonRef}>
  Hello Text world

Typescript should throw an error here, but it doesn’t. We’re creating a “button” ref, but passing that to a div element.

No error thrown when a wrong element ref is passed
No error thrown when a wrong element ref is passed

If you take a look at the exact type, ref it looks like this:

React.RefAttributes<unknown>.ref?: React.Ref<unknown>

Do you see the unknown in there? That’s the sign of a weak typing. We should ideally have HTMLDivElement in there, i.e., explicitly defining the ref object as a div element ref.

We’ve got work to do.

Firstly, the types for the other props of the Text component still reference the PolymorphicComponentProp type.

Let’s change this to a new type called PolymorphicComponentPropWithRef. You guessed right. This will just be a union of PolymorphicComponentProp and the ref prop.

Here it is:

type PolymorphicComponentPropWithRef<
  C extends React.ElementType,
  Props = {}
> = PolymorphicComponentProp<C, Props> & 
{ ref?: PolymorphicRef<C> };

Note that this is just a union of the previous PolymorphicComponentProp and { ref?: PolymorphicRef<C> }

Now we need to change the props of the component to reference the newPolymorphicComponentPropWithRef type:

// before
type TextProps = { color?: Rainbow | "black" };

export const Text = React.forwardRef(
  <C extends React.ElementType = "span">(
    { as, color, children }: PolymorphicComponentProp<C, TextProps>,
    ref?: PolymorphicRef<C>
  ) => {

// now 
type TextProps<C extends React.ElementType> = 
  { color?: Rainbow | "black" }

export const Text = React.forwardRef(
  <C extends React.ElementType = "span">(
    { as, color, children }: TextProps<C>, // 👈 look here
    ref?: PolymorphicRef<C>
  ) => {

Now, we’ve updated TextProps to reference PolymorphicComponentPropWithRef and that’s now passed as the props for the Text component.


There’s solely one final thing to do now. We will provide a type annotation for the Text component. It goes similar to:

export const Text : TextComponent = ...

Where TextComponent is the type annotation we’ll write. Here it is:

type TextComponent = <C extends React.ElementType = "span">(
  props: TextProps<C>
) => React.ReactElement | null;

This is essentially a functional component that takes in TextProps and returns React.ReactElement | null

Where TextProps is as defined earlier:

type TextProps<C extends React.ElementType> = 
  { color?: Rainbow | "black" }

With this, we now have a complete solution! I’m going to share the complete solution now. It may seem daunting at first, but remember we’ve worked line by line through everything you see here. Read it with that confidence.

import React from "react";

type Rainbow =
  | "red"
  | "orange"
  | "yellow"
  | "green"
  | "blue"
  | "indigo"
  | "violet";

type AsProp<C extends React.ElementType> = {
  as?: C;

type PropsToOmit<C extends React.ElementType, P> = keyof (AsProp<C> & P);

// This is the first reusable type utility we built
type PolymorphicComponentProp<
  C extends React.ElementType,
  Props = {}
> = React.PropsWithChildren<Props & AsProp<C>> &
  Omit<React.ComponentPropsWithoutRef<C>, PropsToOmit<C, Props>>;

// This is a new type utitlity with ref!
type PolymorphicComponentPropWithRef<
  C extends React.ElementType,
  Props = {}
> = PolymorphicComponentProp<C, Props> & { ref?: PolymorphicRef<C> };

// This is the type for the "ref" only
type PolymorphicRef<C extends React.ElementType> =

* This is the updated component props using PolymorphicComponentPropWithRef
type TextProps<C extends React.ElementType> = 
  { color?: Rainbow | "black" }

* This is the type used in the type annotation for the component
type TextComponent = <C extends React.ElementType = "span">(
  props: TextProps<C>
) => React.ReactElement | null;

export const Text: TextComponent = React.forwardRef(
  <C extends React.ElementType = "span">(
    { as, color, children }: TextProps<C>,
    ref?: PolymorphicRef<C>
  ) => {
    const Component = as || "span";

    const style = color ? { style: { color } } : {};

    return (
      <Component {} ref={ref}>

And there you go!

You have successfully built a robust solution for handling Polymorphic components in React.

I know it wasn’t an easy ride, but you did it.

Conclusion and Next Steps

Thanks for following along. Remember to star the official GitHub repository, where you’ll find all the code for this guide.